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2018年6月30日场的雅思小作文真题范文已出,小作文类型:柱状图。本期小作文题目是:The chart below shows the rate of males and females who were overweight in Australia from 1980 to 2010.

雅思小作文类型:Bar chart


看到小作文,我们首先要定位3W(when, where, what),该柱状图描述的时间是过去的4个年份,跨度30年。地点为澳洲。内容为超重男女的比例。该题目内容一目了然,男性比率总高于女性,所以思路解答上可以男女分开,描述各自的变化趋势。范文共计8句话。


The bar chart compares the gender distribution of overweight men and women in Australia in four separate years 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010.

Across all the years, it is apparent that the proportion of males who were obese was significantly higher than that of their female counterparts. Initially, almost one half (48%) of the male tended to be excessively fat. This number rose merely by 4% in the following decade before shooting up and arriving at its peak at 69% in 2000. Subsequently, there was a marginally downward trend, ending up with 65%.

Similarly, the rate of females also showed an upward in the first two decades in spite of a relatively lower proportion (28%) occupied in 1980. This figure had consistently increased to 49% until 2000 and had remained stable by the end of the period.

In brief, the chart shows that although overweight population continued to be male-dominated in Australia over the past few decades,the gender gap had ultimately narrowed.

范文原创自牛学老师Alice. Hua

字数 162 words


compares the gender distribution rose merely

in four separate years shooting up and arriving at its peak at

it is apparent that a marginally downward trend

was significantly higher than Had consistently increased

female counterparts had remained stable









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