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9月初雅思口语又将更新题库,考前口语热身,助力口语高分,一起来围观牛学雅思君口语新题预测吧,本期雅思口语话题有关:a project or a piece of work you did together with someone,配范文供考生参考。更多雅思口语part2话题正在加紧赶制中,敬请期待。

Describe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone.

You should say:

· what it was

· what you have done

· why you have chosen this person(s) to work with

and explain what you did to finish the project.


Just last month we finished a project at the university, it was a research project which involved various entities both here in India and abroad and communication was one of the most challenging aspects of it.


I think there were about 15 people in total in the team. It was coordinated from France by an academic research foundation based there. We were investigating various aspects of environmentally friendly air transport; looking at ways to reduce noise and fuel consumption, and the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere.


The project dealt with researching possible methods of improving current engine technology and involved an in depth study of flight physics as applied to most commercial airliners nowadays, mainly based on lightweight structures and possible changes or improvements which could be made.


The long term aim of the project was to evaluate and then test some completely new types of aircraft structures and concepts.


I think it helped me develop on a professional level more than on a personal level, although I did get a lot of opportunity to interact with different people from various different countries and practice my English a lot. But professionally it was very challenging and very interesting for me. It is the first international research project I have been involved in so it was quite exciting as well.


As I said, there were people from France, Germany, the UK, the USA and some other countries. We used to have regular teleconferences to discuss the progress of the project and any problems we encountered, share research results and information, and discuss possible solutions and areas of further investigation. I was working closely with one of my senior professors here at the university who is very experienced in this field of engineering.


Overall, I think I learned a lot more about collaboration, as well as gaining some useful experience in negotiating and discussing in English.










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