雅思口语题库part2话题范文之:Describe a good parent you know(好的父母)

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给大家带来雅思口语题库part2有关话题:Describe a good parent you know(好的父母),范文来自7分高分考生,内容有关史密斯夫妇,好莱坞最受欢迎的两位家长。。看高分考生如何用流畅地道的表达,赢得考官的青睐。口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文很关键。如何迅速get到native speaker的口语范文精髓呢?学习雅思口语范文要点有3:1.native speaker的地道用词,2.丰富灵活的动词,3.高分句型并熟练背诵之。话不多说,口语范文自取:

Describe a good parent you know

You should say:

Who the parent is

How you know the parent

What the parent looks like

And explain why you think the parent is good


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Parents are the most important people in any ones life and my parents are the most important for me. But, I think when it comes to talking of people I know and believe they are truly good parents, I think the names that comes to my mind is that of Will Smith and Jaden Smith.

These are the two most popular parents of the Hollywood industry and have raised some beautiful kids.

Sadly, I have never been able to meet them in real life but I have seen enough of their interviews with others and sometimes with their children, explaining how they raise their kids and the kind of values they imbibe in them. The reason I think they are great parents because they did taught their children things which I think everyone should teach their kids.

One of them is experiment. They have asked their kids to experiment with their passions and the other things that they love. In a particular interview, Jaden talks to her child and says that it is very important for you to love yourself because it is only when you love yourself that you can go about and fall in love with someone else and that is how the world falls in love with you.

In one interview, Will Smith talks of how for you to be able to create a wall it is very important for you to be able to put that one brick perfectly and that is how life is lived. I think these are some great lessons that are taught and the way they live, I believe they are truly great parents.

I believe to be a good parent requires you to be great individuals first. Because a child often learn more by what he or she sees than what he or she is told to do. Apart from that the one thing which I believe truly separates normal parents from the great parents, is the trust they have on their child and his or her potential. It surely takes lot of love and more important trust ones own upbringing to be able to trust the child completely.

I believe it is only when a child is trusted and told that he or she is trusted that the true nature of the child evolves.









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