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考官会在雅思口语part3中问比较抽象发散性强的话题。也就是说,这为“烤鸭”们提前准备和练习雅思口语Part3 带来了很大困难。如果我对于考官会问到的口语话题都不了解,那么我又该怎么去准备雅思口语Part3的问题呢?而雅思口语考试雅思口语的相关话题也一直让很多考生瑟瑟发抖。但是,如果能够平稳发挥好雅思口语,那雅思口语分数也就能顺利上一个level。本文将为大家分享如何备考雅思口语part3,并提供给大家一些口语备考思路和方法。


1. Change 关于某些事物由过去到现在发生的改变

2. Child development / how to raise a child 孩子的教育问题

3. Differences between young people and old people 年轻人和老年人的不同

4. Information and communication / both the entertainment media and the news media 获取信息和交流的方式,新旧媒体的对比

5. Male-female differences 男女不同

6. Personal qualities needed for different vocations 不同职业的人物性格

7. Science and technology 科学和科技的发展

8. Society and environment 社会与环境话题


1.Do young people and older people have the same tastes in art?

2.How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?

3.Is there much difference between the popular outdoor activities of old people and those of young people?

从3个考题中不难看出,虽然都是再问年轻人和老年人的不同之处,但讨论的话题都不一样。第一个是在讨论art, 第二个则是在讨论mobile phone, 第三个更是将话题延伸到了outdoor activity。



1. 性格

老年人: 经验丰富 experienced,提供合理建议 offer sensible advice,分析潜在后果 analyze the potential consequences of behaviors

年轻人: 喜欢冒险 adventurous,有活力的 energetic,冒风险take a lot of chances,容易做出草率的决定 make a rash decision

2. 对于新旧事物的态度

老年人:保守的 conservative, 坚持旧的习惯 stick to old habits, 跟不上时代 out of touch with the world,不愿意改变 resistant to change年轻人:喜欢追求时尚enjoy chasing after the fashion,对新鲜事物保持开放的心态keep an open mind to new things,更愿意适应高科技 be more willing to adopt advanced technology

3. 生活方式

老年人:悠闲的relaxing and cozy,没有压力 don’t have to face much pressure,缺乏稳定收入 without a stable income, 身体不好 in poor health

年轻人:繁忙busy,快节奏的生活方式fast-paced life style,朝九晚五的生活a hectic routine life


l Well, I have to say, they’re as different as chalk and cheese when it comes to ______.

l Most of young guys in China are more likely to ______

l By contrast, the old generations, on the whole mainly tend to ______.

l I suppose it’s probably because _________.

填充相应的雅思口语话题的内容 请注意:“烤鸭”们应该针对不同的考题,选取相对应的不同点。比如对于手机,我们可以选用老年人和年轻人对于科技的态度;对于艺术,应该采用老年人和年轻人对于时尚和传统事物的态度,如果遇上户外活动或者运动话题,则应该考虑两种人不同的生活方式。


Example 1: How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?

l Well, I have to say, they’re as different as chalk and cheese when it comes to using mobile phones.

l Most of young guys in China are more likely to use their phones for multimedia content, for taking pictures or video, for accessing internet.

l By contrast, the old generations, on the whole are bigger users of voice calling .

l I suppose the reason is probably because younger adults are more willing to adopt advanced technology whereas senior citizens are out of touch with the world.

Example 2: Is there much difference between the popular outdoor activities of old people and those of young people?

l Well, to be honest, I suppose there are a handful of differences, one of which would be that most of young guys in China show a big preference for some challenging activities, like roller skating and bungee jumping, whereas the old generations, on the whole are quite into less competitive exercises, such as Taichi or jogging.

l I guess it’s probably because younger adults are quite adventurous and energetic. Also doing challenging activities would be an effective way to release pressure and get rid of a hectic routine life. By contrast, the main purpose of doing less competitive exercises for the old generation is to stay in good health.

Example 3: Do young people and older people have the same tastes in art?

l Well, that’s a tricky one. As far as I’m concerned, seniors generally lag behind their younger counterparts especially when it comes to art.

l The older generation is still somewhat stuck in their ways and focus more on traditional arts such as painting and calligraphy.

l By contrast, young people they are more interested in contemporary western art, western music and fashion design.

l I suppose it’s mainly because the older generations are pretty conservative, they may stick to old habits and are resistant to change while young guys keep an open mind to new things and enjoy chasing after the fashion.









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