2018年5-8月雅思口语part2新题预测之:想要学习的新技能(Describe a skill you would like to learn),范文为高分考生原创,内容有关:如果我有机会学习一种新的技能,我想学空手道,这是武术的一种形式。我对它有很大的兴趣和吸引力,但从未有机会真正去学习它。这对于保持健康的身体和保持健康很重要。它也是在逆境中自卫和流氓突然袭击的一大武器。口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文很关键。学习模仿雅思口语范文要点有3:1.native speaker的地道用词,2.丰富灵活的动词,3.高分句型并熟练背诵之。话不多说,口语范文自取:
Describe a skill you would like to learn.
You should say:
what it is
why you think it is important
how you are going to learn it
and explain what role it will play in your future life.
If I ever get the chance to learn a new skill, I would like to learn karate which is a form of martial art. I had a great fascination and attraction to learn it but never had the chance actually to learn it. This is important for keeping a sound body and to remain fit. It is also a great weapon of self-defence in time of adversity and sudden attack by rogue people.
The greatest benefit this karate offers is a discipline and self-control. Besides the physical exercise, patience and hard work karate requires a great deal of mental power, calmness and a type of discipline which are necessary for a modest life.
If I get the chance, I would get admitted in a good karate learning training centre that would offer a really good training so that I can efficiently learn it. I will need to devote a great deal of regular time and will have to have the determination to learn the necessary skill.
I would like to get involve in some kind of activity which is helpful to keep the body and soul sound. Physical exercise is one way to do that but karate would be more helpful as it would require steady patience and determination as well. I have found some of my friends and relatives found it very helpful in their lives and I was inspired by their discussion regarding the usefulness of this martial art.