托福写作task2兴趣类 看电影一定要去电影院吗

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托福写作共有两大任务类型,task1考察考生对阅读材料和听力材料的内容整合能力,task2考察考生对某一特定话题的独立观点表达,具体任务特点不同我们的应对策略也不同。托福写作task2又被称为托福独立写作,考察话题多样,涉足各类领域,兴趣类是托福写作task2考察频率最高的话题之一,下面我们来看一篇托福写作task2兴趣类的真题思路拓展:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better to watch a movie in a cinema than at home.


Point 1: COST

花费是衡量如何消遣的重要指标(indicator),去电影院看电影比起在家看电影的成本要高很多,而且有些电影不需要电影院的音效(acoustic effect)和氛围(atmosphere)。

Sample sentences:

1. Cost is a key indicator for people to decide whether to go cinema or stay at home, because some movies are unworthy to enjoy in cinema.

2. People who go to cinema mostly because of the acoustic effect and atmosphere, however, not every movie need to be appreciated in cinema.

Point 2:Comfort degree

对于不少人而言,在家里看电影比电影院舒服得多,因为电影院是公众场所,而在家里可以“为所欲为”(have one’s own way)。

Sample sentences:

1. For most people, staying at home is more comfortable than going to cinema, because they can have their own ways when watching movies.

2. Because cinema is a public place, we should always behave well, but if we watch movies at home, we can laugh loudly and talk about the scenario freely.

Point 3:Choices

电影院会有上映档期(auction calendar),过了档期的电影是不会被播放的。但是在家里,我们可以看任何时期的电影。

Sample sentences:

1. The choices in cinema are limited because it only projects movies according to its auction calendar.

2. We can watch any movies as we like at home, no matter it’s the latest or an old one.









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