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indicate这个词小编相信各位托福考生应该并不陌生,这个词汇的词义很简单,就是表明、显示的意思,用英文解释那就是to point something out or to present evidence. 这个词在独立写作中可以算是比较常见常用的一个词汇了,因为独立写作为立论文,离不开对各类例证的运用。而考生在举出某个事例后,往往会继续写以上事例表明了什么观点之类的句子,这个时候indicate就很容易被拿出来使用,因此熟悉这个词汇的用法对大家来说是很重要的。



1. indicate that + Subject + Verb


a. Estimates indicate that more than 60 percent of the yearly retail sales in the U.S. are credit transactions.

b. Evidence indicates that people have always been predominantly right-handed.

c. The drastic disappearance of Foraminifera in these layers of rock indicated that something had happened at the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods.

2. indicate + Noun


a. The drastic decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide indicates the global pollution of water and air.

b. Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.

c. An increase in crime indicates a decline in moral standards.



1. indication

先来看第一个词汇indication,这个词汇的词性为名词,含义也是表明;显示;象征之类的意思,用英文来理解,An indication is an act of indicating something。大家也可以理解成clue或是suggestion之类的含义。这个词汇比较常见的用法是give sb. an indication of或者be an indication of,都可以用来替代indicate在句子里发挥出同样的意思,比如:

a. The drastic decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide indicates the global pollution of water and air.

b. The drastic decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide gives scientists an indication of the global pollution of water and air.

c. The drastic decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide is an indication of the global pollution of water and air.

2. indicator

这个词汇同样也是indicate的名词形式,这个词汇的英文解释是an object that indicates the state or level of something。从其定义上就可以看出,这个词和上面的indication虽然同为名词,但还是存在一定区别的,具体来说,indication是一个比较抽象的概念,而indicator则有具体的对象,是能够暗示或表明某件事某个现象的具体事物。还是通过实际例句来说明,刚才indication里给出的例句a可以这么变:

a. The drastic decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide indicates the global pollution of water and air.

b. The number of amphibians worldwide is used as an indicator of global pollution of water and air.

大家可以看出,想要使用indicator的情况下,必须要有具体的对象,也就是例句中的the number of amphibians worldwide,再来看这几个句子:

c. Nitrogen oxides are used by scientists as an indicator of economic activity and of the effectiveness of pollution-control measures.

d. Gold prices are often seen as an indicator of inflation.

e. The stock market is seen as a leading indicator of economic growth.

另外,大家如果平时比较关心金融商业类的新闻报道,那么应该会经常看到这个词组economic indicators,这个词指的一般是经济类相关的各种数字数据,比如失业率或是通货膨胀率等等,比如:

f. Economic indicators suggest that prices will go up.


High crime rates are an indicator of a decline in moral standards.

这里小编要强调一下,这个用法本身是错误的。大家需要注意一点,这句话的主语是high crime rates而不是crime rates,indicator一般指代的都是无属性没有修饰的某个事物或是数值,一旦带上了形容词,这个主语本身就已经不是indicator而直接就是一个结果了,这种时候主语本身就带有了indication的抽象概念。以上面这个句子为例的话,犯罪率这个数据可以作为道德标准(是否)下降的indicator,但高犯罪率本身就已经是道德标准下降的indication了。这个解释可能有点绕,大家来看一下这个句子的正确写法:

High crime rates are an indication of a decline in moral standards.

Crime rates are used as an indicator of a decline in moral standards.

3. indicative

最后再来说说indicate的形容词形式indicative的用法,这个词的词义是suggestive or serving as a sign of something,用在句子里可以以be indicative of来替换indicate,比如:

a. The drastic decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide indicates the global pollution of water and air.


b. The drastic decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide is indicative of the global pollution of water and air.


c. Thin tree rings are indicative of slow tree growth. [=Thin tree rings indicate that a tree has grown slowly]

d. Provocative images in the media are indicative of the vibrant competition in the media.









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