S1 Which of the following creative activities do you feel like to get involved in? 1. Pottery making 2. Writing 3. Art creation
Say you like A. (5%)
Explain why A is good. (50%)
Say why you don’t like B. (20%)
Say why you don’t like C. (20%)
Wrap it up. (5%)
I’d like to join a writing acitivity.
Writing has been a huge problem for me. It happens very often in writing classes that I don’t even understand the question. Even if I get the meaning of the prompt, it is always difficult to come up with ideas and develop those ideas into a complete five-paragraph essay. So if a writing activity really helps, it’s definitely worth trying.
I know pottery making is fun, but it feels bad to get my hands dirty and get my t-shirts stained.
As for art creation, it simply sounds too complicated.
So again, a writing activity will be a good choice for me.
Come up with, definitely worth trying, get my hands dirty等搭配用法,不仅在句型上多样化,而且使表达更加地道。
I'd like, I know, it sounds, so again等词组能让整个片段听上去更加合理通顺,文脉清晰,让考官觉得有理有据,即使不用那些难懂的词汇。
所有内容搭建在5层汉堡包的框架上,组织得当。口语用词不需要很难,尽量多用phrasal verbs。内容联系自身实际,言之有物。结构可以照搬汉堡包,反复练习达到自然表达。